The Rutland City Board of Aldermen will convene a public hearing on the proposed City of Rutland TIF District and Financing Plan on Monday, January 6, 2025, at 6:45 PM. Pursuant to 24 VSA 1893, The hearing will be held at Rutland City Hall, 52 Washington Street in Aldermen Chambers. The City of Rutland intends to create a Tax Increment Financing district to provide incremental revenue for infrastructure improvements that will stimulate commercial and residential development, In keeping with the intent of 24 VSA 1893.

The key components of the TIF District Plan include: the District Map (with project sites); TIF District Narrative and the TIF District Workbook.

Public comment at this hearing is welcomed and encouraged. You may attend in person, mail or email public testimony prior to the hearing via (email to: [email protected] or letters to: City of Rutland Board of Aldermen, P.O. Box 969, Rutland, VT 05702-0969).